Pet Mobile In-Clinic Dentistry

At Calgary Veterinary Dentistry & Oral Surgery, we are dedicated to providing advanced mobile in-clinic dentistry for pets in Calgary, AB, ensuring their dental health is as extraordinary as the love you share with them.

a dog lying on a table

Your Pet’s Smile, Our Passion

We prioritize your pet’s comfort and convenience above all else. We understand that a trip to the veterinarian can be stressful for both pets and their owners. We go the extra mile by providing mobile in-clinic dentistry services. This means that our experienced team of veterinarians and technicians will come to your pet’s primary care facility, eliminating the need for a separate visit to a specialist.

By offering this service, we aim to reduce stress and anxiety for your furry friend while ensuring they receive the highest quality dental care. Your pet’s well-being is our top priority, and we’re here to make their healthcare as easy and comfortable as possible.

Our Commitment to Mobile In-Clinic Dentistry

Stress-Free Experience

Pets often feel anxious when taken out of their familiar environment. Our mobile service minimizes stress by treating your pet in a place they know and trust.

Personalized Care

Each pet is unique, and their dental needs vary. Our mobile in-clinic dentistry allows us to tailor our approach to your pet’s requirements, ensuring the best possible care.

Enhanced Comfort

We bring state-of-the-art equipment and a team of compassionate veterinary professionals to your pet’s doorstep. This minimizes the need for transportation and keeps your pet relaxed.

Reduced Wait Times

No more waiting for appointments or dealing with long commutes. Our mobile service offers prompt, convenient care, improving your pet’s overall experience.

Comprehensive Dental Services

From routine cleanings to advanced oral surgeries, we offer a wide range of dental services to address your pet’s specific needs. Your pet’s oral health is in expert hands.

Dedicated Team

Our highly skilled veterinary staff are passionate about dental health. We treat every pet as if they were our own, ensuring the highest level of care.